Our Chairman Mehmet Altay YEGIN's article "Should there be an On-Site Monitoring Guide?" was published in "Nasıl Bir Ekonomi" newspaper.

Our Chairman Mehmet Altay YEGIN's article "Should there be an On-Site Monitoring Guide?" was published in "Nasıl Bir Ekonomi" newspaper.

Foreign traders can obtain an Authorized Economic Operator Certificate (AEO) if they meet the conditions stipulated in the Regulation on Facilitation of Customs Transactions.


Five steps at AEO processes;


Step 1: Checking the application requirements,

Step 2: Identify the project leader,

Step 3: Filling in the "Annex-2 Questionnaire" following ISO 9001 standards,

Step 4: Fulfillment of the physical condition of the facility,

Step 5: Performing preview and on-site monitoring,


We can list them as phaeses.


"On-site Monitoring" (in other words, "Field Inspection") is carried out not only during the certification process but also every five years after the certificate is issued. Paragraph 1 of Article 160 of the Regulation on Facilitation of Customs Transactions stipulates that "Whether the conditions subject to on-site inspection in the second and sixth paragraphs of Article 13 are met or not is determined by the on-site monitoring to be carried out by the post-control officer in the facilities of the certificate holder every five years from the date of issuance of the certificate."


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