New Annex-2 Electronic Questionnaire Released (v3.3.2)
- In question 1.9 in the 1.COMPANY INFORMATION section, the company asks "Is there a Type C Warehouse in the Facility?" for each facility to be specified in the information regarding its facilities. partial area added,
- Under the heading "B. Outsourcing Services for Archive" in the 4th ARCHIVE SYSTEM section, "No external services are received for the archive." When the option is selected, arrangements have been made to remove the obligation of the company to answer question 4.4,
- Some questions that should have been closed but were not closed in various situations were closed correctly,
- Corrections were made in the questions where the Written Procedure Document, Paragraph/Article Number, Page Number could not be specified,
- Facilities to be specified within the scope of Chapter 13 have been removed from the "Requests for Additional Permits and Authorizations" field,
- "Not Applicable" options of the questions have been revised,
- In accordance with the Regulation on Amendments to the Customs Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 24 September 2021 and numbered 31608, the authorization request boxes and explanations regarding the authorized sender authority have been removed,
- Some interactive form improvements and bug fixes have been made,
- The number, content, title or order of the questions have not changed,
- No questions have been removed.
It is possible for those who have previously filled out the V3.3.1 version questionnaire but have not yet submitted their applications to transfer their existing answers to the same title, name and order fields in the new version form by copy-paste method.
In this context, the V3.3.2 version questionnaire must be included in the annex to the new YYS applications to be made after 05.04.2024, and question forms in V3.3.1 or older versions will not be accepted. V3.3.1 questionnaires attached to YYS applications submitted before the said date will be accepted and there is no need to submit a new version questionnaire for the said applications.