About OKSB and YYS Applications

In the article of the General Directorate of Customs, it was stated that the inclusion of public receivables arising from penalties within the scope of the configuration does not constitute a reason for not being considered in the applications for the OKSB and YYS.


“In paragraphs (b), (c) and (ç) of the first paragraph of Article 23 of the Customs Regulation and in paragraphs (c ), (ç) and (d) of the first paragraph of Article 5 of the Regulation on the Facilitation of Customs Procedures,  provisions on finalized customs penalties are not the provisions related to public receivables arising from these penalties, but the provisions related to violations of customs legislation that cause these penalties to occur. Therefore, public receivables arising from these penalties are included in the scope of the configuration  and these penalties do not constitute a reason for not considering approved person status certificate and Authorized Economic Operator certificate applications.”


With the amendment to the Regulation on the Facilitation of Customs Procedures; the original or sample of the current signature circulars will not be required in the application for the Authorized Economic Operator certificate.

With the amendment to the Regulation on the Facilitation of Customs Procedures; the original or sample of the current signature circulars will not be required in the application for the Authorized Economic Operator certificate.


With the amendment to the Regulation on the Facilitation of Customs Procedures; the original or sample of the current signature circulars will not be required for in the application for the Authorized Economic Operator certificate.

With the amendment made to the Customs General Notification on the Status of the Approved Person No. 1 series; Signature circulars were removed in applications for the status certificate of the approved person.

In the customs regulations, as amended; signature circular is not required for investment and operating permits for temporary storage permit applications and permits simplification in the applications; signature circular is not covered by customs broker’s associations-reported information and documents that are related to the changes.


With the amendment made to the Customs General Communiqué serial Transit Regime no 6: signature circulars will not be required in the application for the simplified transportation of goods by rail within the framework of the common transit and national transit regimes.

With the amendment made to the Customs General Communiqué serial Transit Regime no 5: signature circulars will not be required in the application for the simplified transportation of goods by air within the framework of the transit regime.

With the amendment made to the Customs General Communiqué serial Transit Regime no 3:  company that will transit crude oil, gasoline, gas, naphtha, fuel-oil, and kerosene and jet fuel will not be required signature circulars when applying for a permit.

With the amendment made to the Customs General Communiqué serial Transit Regime no 4; in comprehensive coverage in applications for permits, signature circulars have been removed in applications for the right to a discount on comprehensive coverage, signature circulars have also been removed from the attached documents contained in the Comprehensive Guarantee and Security Waiver Permit Application Form.

With the amendment made to the Customs General Communiqué serial Transit Regime no 1; Signature circulars were removed from the documents contained in the petition in the application for a vehicle approval certificate.

With the amendment made to the Customs General Communiqué serial Transit Regime no 2: original/approved sample of the Signature Circulars was removed from the additional documents and Installment Request Form of the Customs General Communique.

According to the amendment made to the Regulation on Duty-Free Shops, Signature circulars will not be required from people who will apply for a store or warehouse opening permit during the application for a preliminary permit.